Merriam Webster Dictionary
Main Entry: tattoo, Function: noun, Date: 1777
Inflected Form(s): plural tattoos
1 : the act of tattooing : the fact of being tattooed
2 : an indelible mark or figure fixed upon the body by insertion
of pigment under the skin
Burn-Ink is the record of a large tattoo completed over
the course of nine months between 2001 and 2002 in Melbourne, Australia.
A work of this size involves considerable cost and time, not to
mention effort on behalf of both tattooist and client. In this case
the artist was Claudia from Tattoo Magic studios in Melbourne, and
the client and designer was myself, Ceredwyn Ealanta, a web master
and graphic artist.
While once believed to be dangerous, unhealthy or a sign of aggression,
tattooing is now being recognised as a unique artform of its own
by the general public. As tattooing becomes seen an expression of
personal dedication and meaning rather than a sign of extremist
behaviour, its use will become gradually more common. Many people
see body modification as empowering, an alchemical process whereby
self image is redefined and explored through change.
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2002 Ceredwyn Ealanta You can
email Ceredwyn through ceredwyn at